Let‘s go

Early-stage investments

By investing in Imit, you become pioneers in creating a new reality where every person can reconnect with departed loved ones, find a reliable friend and assistant

Our project is at the early investment stage. We are raising funds to publicly launch a product in 2025 that will revolutionize the digital reality and the experience of interacting with your digital counterparts.

In the early investment stage, Imit allocates a total of 1.753 billion Imit tokens, or 17.53% of all Imit tokens, which will be equally distributed among early investors.

Each investor will receive guarantees of receiving Imit tokens by fixing the investments in the smart contract, along with a corresponding NFT reflecting their contribution. We will forever engrave in history those who believed in us, in our product at the earliest stages of our development

Bronze NFT

Bronze NFT

0.2 ETH

525 NFT‘s for early-stage investors, ensuring each owner receives
1.753 million Imit tokens

Wait, in progress

Silver NFT

Silver NFT


50 NFT‘s for early-stage investors, ensuring each owner receives
8.765 million Imit tokens

Mint silver NFT
Gold NFT

Gold NFT


10 NFT‘s for early-stage investors, ensuring each owner receives
43.825 million Imit tokens

Wait, in progress

Imit tokenomics

This is an investment not only in technology but also in human memories, emotions, in the timeless connection of eras and generations


Imit DAO:

The Imit DAO holds a substantial 3.528 billion tokens, fostering decentralized governance and decision-making within the Imit ecosystem


Main Investor(s):

A significant allocation of 2.694 billion tokens is reserved for main investors, ensuring their pivotal role in supporting and influencing the project‘s development


Early-stage Investor(s):

With 1.753 billion tokens earmarked for early investors, being among the first contributors not only provides crucial support but also unlocks exclusive bonuses, establishing a lasting impact on digital development


Airdrop and user activities:

A dynamic 1.162 billion tokens are allocated for airdrops and user engagement activities, encouraging widespread participation and rewarding users for their involvement


Founders of Imit:

The founders of Imit are vested with 863 million tokens, aligning their interests with the project‘s success and long-term sustainability