Nothing is clear, how does your product work?

How it works?

An AI is studying the history of your online interactions, conducting linguistic analysis of your responses, and based on the gathered data, creating an AI model. We then integrate this model into the blockchain

Data collection

The initial stage involves collecting diverse data, primarily textual, from various sources such as text messages, social media, web pages, emails, and other digital sources.

Thorough processing

After data collection, the Super AI begins meticulous processing. This involves the use of sophisticated natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, machine learning, and other technologies to extract unique language features. The system analyzes sentence structures, word choices, contexts, and other parameters to accurately capture the user‘s style and character.

Creation of a digital soul

AI model : Based on the processing results, a unique AI profile of the user is formed. This profile contains information about communication style, preferences, emotional reactions, and other characteristics.

Dialogue with emulation : The obtained AI profile is used to emulate dialogue with the user. This allows the system to generate responses and statements that closely match the user‘s style and behavior, making the interaction with your digital profile more natural and personalized.